Il Sottovoce – The Whisper – XVII

Il Sottovoce – The Whisper – XVII

Il diavolo fa le pentole ma non i coperchi. The devil teaches us his tricks but not how to hide them.

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Oh, Behave!

Oh, Behave!

So much flap has been in the press regarding behavioral targeting and privacy.  Most of the flap has been on the B2C side of things – which is to be expected when you are dealing with naive, impulsive consumers.  Advertising is painted as the boogeyman in this situation and vast data mining conspiracies are hinted at by those that purportedly champion individuals and freedom. Should […]

Read Me Leave comment Products of the Year Products of the Year has named its Products of the Year for 2008.  This is the fifth year that has been helping sort out the playing field for Marketing and Sales executives who need to understand the pros and cons of various platforms out there which help their enterprise become more net-centric. Using Marketer-friendly criteria of  Innovation, Performance, Ease of Integration, Ease of Use, Functionality, and Value, along with a marketing technology “dream team” (sans […]

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Non-Social Media – Still Youthful, Not Going Away

Non-Social Media – Still Youthful, Not Going Away

In the iMedia Connection article “Heralding the Death of Non-Social Media,” Doug Schumacher of Basement, Inc. has correctly pointed out that in an increasingly Network Centric Marketing world, “A high percentage of purchases are already preceded by online research.  And where there is online research, there are search results. Those search engine results pages often bring up links to a number of consumer review sites.“ Yes, there are empirical studies corraborating […]

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Krafty and Wal*Smart?

Krafty and Wal*Smart?

There are two very interesting net-centric marketing developments for in the B2C world that have made the trade press recently. The Kraft iPhone Assistant is available through iTunes and allows users to view recipes (using Kraft products of course), save favorite recipes, watch a cooking video, create shopping lists, find stores, and even get offers or incentives from participating stores.  All this while seeing ads for Kraft products.  It is currently […]

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Il Sottovoce – The Whisper – XVI

Il Sottovoce – The Whisper – XVI

Il fine giustifica i mezzi The end justifies the means.

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Jumpstart Your Twitter Experience

Jumpstart Your Twitter Experience

Yesterday the Marketing Consigliere sent an email to someone he hopes to blog about in the near future, and he realized what he wrote about to this person would be good for many in his audience today. Since Twitter adoption is gaining momentum, it makes sense to share some lessons to keep your microblogging learning curve shorter. If you wish, you can go to the Twitter Fan Wiki and […]

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Cloud Computing & Strategic Information for CMOs

Cloud Computing & Strategic Information for CMOs

Bob Gourley, whose blog CTOVision is geared towards CTOs, CIOs, and Federalistas, has shared a great whitepaper draft that I encourage CMOs to read and think about.   In “Cloud Computing and Net Centric Operations,” he sets the tone for where the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) and the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration (ASD NII) need to enable the best available technologies for mission critical tasks.  […]

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The 20-Year Road to Net-Centric Marketing, Part II

The 20-Year Road to Net-Centric Marketing, Part II

The 20-Year Road to Net-Centric Marketing brought amusement to many readers who remember the “gold rush” of the “dot-com” era.  And the Marketing Consigliere wants to make one more observation about those seemingly long ago days. In the early nineties there was an exciting book that created much buzz in the Marketing profession:  [amazon ASIN=”0385485662″]The One to One Future: Building Relationships One Customer At A Time[/amazon] by Don Peppers and Martha Rogers, […]

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Agencies That are “Getting It”

Agencies That are “Getting It”

We have all heard about the problems facing the advertising world, but fortunately there are those in it that tacitly agree with the Marketing Consigliere about the opportunities derived from net-centric marketing . This is a well-produced video of some of the agency representatives that attended the iMedia Agency Summit last month. Chris Arens of DraftFCB, Sherry Bennett of JWT Boom, Susan MacDermid of Real Branding, and David Shor of WongDoody gave terrific insight into what leading agencies are thinking […]

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