Damn the Torpedoes, Full Web 2.0 Ahead

The United States Navy has announced its approval to use certain Web 2.0 techniques to facilitate its collaborative and communication efforts. Robert Carey, the Navy’s CIO, issued a memo entitled “Web 2.0: Utilizing New Web Tools” on October 20th, 2008.
As The Marketing Consigliere has been blogging that businesses need to take the military concept of C4ISR to improve its sales and marketing success, here we have the military taking the business/social concept of Web 2.0 to improve its warfighting success. Of course, the Navy’s use of Web 2.0 will be in an intensely secure environment.
But once again, take a sentence from Carey’s last paragraph in the memo:
“Web 2.0 tools can significantly improve warfighter communication and effectiveness through a suite of web-based tools that are robust and resistant to compromise.”
Just replace the word “warfighter” with either “salesperson” or “marketer.”
Is your organization leveraging Web 2.0 yet? There are still a lot of laggards out there…