10+ Years Later, Clue Unglues

10+ Years Later, Clue Unglues

[amazon ASIN=”0465018653″]The Cluetrain Manifesto 10th Anniversary Edition[/amazon] was written by Rick Levine (@ricklevine),  Christopher Locke (@clockerb), Doc Searls (@dsearls), David Weinberger. For those of you who never read it, let’s cut to the chase… Blame it on us for actually waiting a year after this anniversary edition was released.  Also scold us for not reading the [amazon ASIN=”0738204315″]original [/amazon]eleven years ago.  But the newer edition is a disappointment. Not because the original 95 Theses have […]

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The Leads are Beautiful, Wish You Were There…

The Leads are Beautiful, Wish You Were There…

We’re taking a break from a multi-paragraph blog this week, and we’re not going to go on any major Marketing Automation diatribe, but –  If you haven’t been on vacation this summer, you should leave and go on it.  However, you could rest a lot better on the beach if you had already shored up your lead management process and had implemented a marketing automation system […]

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5 More Challenges for Sales & Marketing Alignment

5 More Challenges for Sales & Marketing Alignment

Last week, this blog listed some of the challenges that a B2B Marketing organization faces for Sales and Marketing Alignment.  Aligning those departments is not that easy so you’re not getting off the hook just yet.  This week there are five more to think about and have some comfort in knowing that your organization is not the only one that needs to go through such an […]

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5 Challenges for Marketing & Sales Alignment

5 Challenges for Marketing & Sales Alignment

More and more organizations are realizing that the talent and resources of Marketing need to be “reeled in” to support sales.  While “branding” is important, remember this:  A brand is merely the promise of an experience.  In order to experience the brand, one must generally purchase the product or service of the brand.  In order to purchase the product or service of the brand, you […]

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