Salesforce Makes a Great Catch with Pardot

Salesforce Makes a Great Catch with Pardot

In October of 2012, email service provider ExactTarget announced the acquisition of Marketing Automation vendor Pardot for $95 Million.  Now, less than a year later, Salesforce annnounced the acquisition of ExactTarget for $2.5 Billion, outdoing Oracle‘s $871 Million acquisition of Marketing Automation vendor Eloqua, which had just IPO’d that August.  And let’s not forget Marketo, which recently IPO’d and as  of today has a market capitalization of $780+ Million.  What does this mean/what might […]

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Does Marketing Automation Help You “Love” Customers?

Does Marketing Automation Help You “Love” Customers?

Well, for those of you who never got a St. Valentine’s Day card this month, neither did we! So print out the one above and consider you our sweetheart and close you eyes and pretend we’re hugging you! Today’s topic is an interesting one, although it should be about maintaining your editorial calendar because we’re obviously two weeks late on this one! But we digress…. […]

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Eating Our Words About Hubspot

Eating Our Words About Hubspot

Earlier this month, we made a a brief comment regarding Hubspot‘s standing in the world of Marketing Automation.  Undoubtedly they are the thought leader in “Inbound Marketing,” but we said that they were not playing at the same level as some of the leading Marketing Automation platforms such as Pardot or Marketo.   Well, the fantastic listeners at Hubspot caught wind of our blog, and none other than the effervescent Laura Fitton (@pistachio) […]

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Obamacare Isn’t The Real News – Pardot Is!

Obamacare Isn’t The Real News – Pardot Is!

Creative Commons by Kjetil Ree. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act?   …..meh. Arizona SB 1070?  ……(yawn) Ann Curry leaving the Today Show?   Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes divorcing? …..please. There was real news this week…  Pardot, a leading provider of marketing automation for small and mid-sized businesses, announced a groundbreaking relationship with Dell.  In this absolutely brilliant alliance, Dell Cloud Business Applications will be able to provide thousands of businesses Pardot’s easy to use Marketing […]

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Marketing Automation Professionals of the World, Unite!

Marketing Automation Professionals of the World, Unite!

Know anyone else pulling their hair out over their Marketing Automation platform?  Are your pupils dialating and your heart stopping  over the thought of the mountain of content that you have to create?    Well, here on the East Coast we’re trying to do something about it… Now there are several of other national organizations that are fantastic professional development resources for the Marketing Automation […]

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Marketo’s Spark Should Light a Fire for SMBs

Marketo’s Spark Should Light a Fire for SMBs

Yesterday Marketo announced a new service offering for the SMB market called Spark.   Spark will allow SMB users to create and launch email campaigns, hold webinars, and even monitor and participate in social media conversations.  Additionally, it gives a real time window into campaigns and allows measurement of each segment of an SMB’s marketing mix efforts within each campaign. Marketo’s announcement of a SMB app is a […]

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MMI Can Give You a Marketing Automation “Edge”

MMI Can Give You a Marketing Automation “Edge”

We visited MMI Solutions, a small but promising Marketing Automation company in outside New York City.  They already have some top-notch customers like Kodak, Canon, and Expedia that have used their tool, MMI Edge. MMI Edge is designed with features allowing for cross media marketing at the highest levels, including the creation, tracking and reporting of PURLs (Personalized URLs), QR codes, web activity, e-newsletters, e-mails, and web to print.  The […]

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LeadsCon, Day 1: Any Marketing Automation in There?

LeadsCon, Day 1: Any Marketing Automation in There?

Day 1 Yesterday, The Marketing Consigliere asked What will LeadsCon Offer Marketing Automaters? Over 1,000 filled the conference room for the initial sessions.  Jay Weintraub (@jayweintraub), an organizer of the event, kept a good tight schedule of some impressive panelists.  This was a different world for The Marketing Consigliere, who primarily advises in B2B Marketing world.  The event was focused towards the B2C marketing world, where a […]

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Pardot Execs Help You “Think Outside the Inbox”

Pardot Execs Help You “Think Outside the Inbox”

Disclosure: A copy of this book was provided at no charge by the authors [amazon ASIN=”0615361811″]Think Outside the Inbox [/amazon]was written by David Cummings (@david_cummings) and Adam Blitzer (@AdamBlitzer), both of Marketing Automation platform vendor Pardot. In seven easy to read and understand chapters, this book is a very satisfactory primer on what Marketing Automation is all about and The Marketing Consigliere recommends that you get a copy.  There are […]

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Jigsaw, NetProspex Take the Lead with Leads

Jigsaw, NetProspex Take the Lead with Leads

video montage of Glengarry Glen Ross courtesy of walkingf00l   The recent acquisition of Jigsaw by Salesforce is a good sign of the times for Net-Centric Marketing.  By including Jigsaw’s 21 million B2B contacts as part of its AppExchange service offering, Saleforce makes a more seamless process out of your email marketing efforts.  By having the data needed to drive your revenue available in a convenient way, you no longer need to hunt down […]

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