Do Not Resuscitate Do Not Track, Part IV

Do Not Resuscitate Do Not Track, Part IV

From the left: Chris Wolf and Marcy Wilder of Hogan Lovells; Maneesha Mithal of the FTC; Stuart K. Pratt of the CDIA, Justin Brookman of the CDT; and Jane Horvath of Google. (not pictured: Hooman Radfar of Clearspring and Robert Quinn of AT&T) It’s been over two years since we blogged about “Do Not Track” regulations, and the pendulum has been swinging in favor of those […]

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Sidekick Fiasco – A Kick in the Head for T-Mobile

Sidekick Fiasco – A Kick in the Head for T-Mobile

Poor T-Mobile.  First they lose all the Sidekick data from their Microsoft-hosted server.  Then people scoff at their offer of $100 or to comp a free month for users.  Then they allow customers to get out of the contract without penalty. Now T-Mobile is the defendant in two class-action lawsuits accusing them of misleading users with regard to the integrity of their data storage.  $100 million worth of headache, embarrassment, […]

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When Offline Won’t “Bomb”

When Offline Won’t “Bomb”

When does offline beat online?  When you need to make a point about the physical world and physical media can pack the most punch.  The Marketing Consigliere likes to focus on Internet based technologies that marketers should use, but tips his hat to some good old-fashioned analog ingenuity.  DMNews recently highlighted a very creative effort by agency DraftFCB New Zealand that helped their client, the Aotearoa New Zealand Cluster Munition Coalition (ANZCMC) A […]

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10 Allinio Predictions for 2009

10 Allinio Predictions for 2009

Prediction 1: Robert Scoble will become marginalized as a new “Twitterer to follow” emerges that is less condescending and opinionated. The Marketing Consigliere actually likes Scoble, has met him twice, but understands that like all “celebrities,” a new one will probably come along that the huddled marketing masses will want to anoint as their new savior.  He will never be relegated as the “Lindsay Lohan” of […]

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Betty Draper Has a Thing for “Bad Boy” Italians

Betty Draper Has a Thing for “Bad Boy” Italians

Poor Betty Draper.  A “desperate housewife” with nothing better to do.  She mysteriously appeared as a “follower” on The Marketing Consigliere’s Twitter account.  He didn’t know who she was, but her picture sure was glam.  Used to the advances of WASPish women seeking more than what their husbands offer, he checked out her profile… Actually, someone at AMC or one of their agencies somehow found him on Twitter, decided he was less Machiavellian than […]

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Cooper Pooped on RFID?

Cooper Pooped on RFID?

About a year and a half ago, Mini Cooper instituted an interesting promotional campaign using RFID technology.  Cooper owners were given RFID-enabled key fobs which interacted with special billboards in EZPass regions.   When the driver approached the billboard in his or her Mini, a talking car would appear, along with the person’s name who registered the key fob. So now the question must be asked, why isn’t there more marketing like this?  Did […]

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EmSense – Common Sense or Nonsense?

EmSense – Common Sense or Nonsense?

  This is a headset which is being developed by EmSense, a Monterey, California based company that is pioneering physiological neuro-scientific sensing for business decision making. Their patent-pending device has embedded sensors that combine EEG technology used to measure brain-wave activity and other biometrics like eye motion, breathing, cardio activity, body temperature in an individual viewer. Another company, Sands Research, also is helping firms conduct market research by measuring […]

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Media Rules!

Media Rules!

The Marketing Consigliere recently attended a luncheon hosted by the DC Ad Club.  The two speakers, Brian Reich and Dan Solomon, were presenting their new book, [amazon ASIN=”B001BMMGJO”]Media Rules! – Mastering Today’s Technology to Connect With and Keep Your Audience[/amazon]. He bought the book, had the authors autograph inside the cover, and proceeded to read it. Here are his thoughts: The byline “Mastering Today’s Technology…” raised his hopes but it […]

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The Apple of My “I” (As in C4″I”SR)

The Apple of My “I” (As in C4″I”SR)

U.S. Patent Application #20070291710 by Apple Inc. basically is a device that can track where a customer makes purchases, and what was purchased. With this information, loyalty programs can be enhanced for regular customers who may buy certain categories of goods habitually. Orders could be placed on particular meals, such as a favorite pizza, and the customer could be notified when seating is ready or the pizza is […]

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Do Not Resuscitate Do Not Track

Do Not Resuscitate Do Not Track

This is a topic I’ve needed some time to digest mentally before I stuck my proverbial virtual foot in my virtual mouth. I remember a few weeks ago reading about the FTC hearings on the “Do Not Track” requests coming from some consumer groups. Instantly I thought that the whole behavioral targeting engine would come to a screeching halt. My C4ISR Marketing common sense told me “that […]

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