Holiday Carol: We Housewives of Pinterest Are

Sung to the tune of “We Three Kings of Orient Are“
We housewives of Pinterest are
Posting pics like we’re some Renoir,
Craft and hobby, meek and snobby,
Some of it so bizarre.
O pins of wonder, pins contrite,
Pins of tacky, kitschy sight,
Boards a-glowing, overflowing,
Images of cultural blight.
Mommyblogging is such a pain,
Twitter’s limit drives us insane,
Pinning’s easy, ‘tho it’s cheesy,
So we cannot complain.
O pins of wonder, pins contrite,
Pins of tacky, kitschy sight,
Boards a-glowing, overflowing,
Images of cultural blight.
Scrapbooks sit and now collect dust,
And the treadmill’s starting to rust,
All our time is spent online,
Satisfying this lust.
O pins of wonder, pins contrite,
Pins of tacky, kitschy sight,
Boards a-glowing, overflowing,
Images of cultural blight.
Pin we things for all to see,
Some show talent, others silly,
Wasting our time, wasting your time,
with such frivolity.
O pins of wonder, pins contrite,
Pins of tacky, kitschy sight,
Boards a-glowing, overflowing,
Images of cultural blight.