You Don’t Have to Be a Genius to Know Marketing Automation

You Don’t Have to Be a Genius to Know Marketing Automation

Here’s what The Marketing Consigliere thinks about The Essential Marketing Automation Handbook which was written by Ardath Albee (@ardath421) in conjunction with Marketing Automation platform vendor… The other week [amazon ASIN=”0615361811″]Think Outside the Inbox[/amazon], [amazon ASIN=”0615361811″]a book you can purchase[/amazon], was reviewed and this next review, a free ebook downloadable here is very timely. Basically, The Marketing Consigliere recommends that you read both books, starting with Think Outside the Inbox, followed by The Essential Marketing Automation Handbook. […]

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Seeing Clearly in Saleforce’s Cloud

Seeing Clearly in Saleforce’s Cloud

In 2000, The Marketing Consigliere configured an application for a small startup’s sales group using a cool new tool called  Most sales organizations were using spreadsheets and flat databases (and a lot still are) so the idea of what was known at the time as an ASP-based offering was very unique.  The startup is long gone from this earth, but Salesforce has grown to be […]

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