Thanksgiving ’08: Freedom from Want and Needs

Norman Rockwell, Freedom From Want
Just a short note today – the Marketing Consigliere does not need to remind you to be thankful for the usual blessings in your life, but wants to make some out-of-the-ordinary thank yous:
Thank you to all the Marketers out there who are leveraging the power of Network Centric Marketing and doing their best to bring us the products and services we need;
Thank you to the men and women leaders in small business who are keeping the entrepreneurial spirit alive in the United States and throughout the world despite these uncertain times.
Thank you to the engineers and coders who are working hard to make technology benefit all of us;
Thank you to the businesses and consumers out there who are keeping an even keel and not panicking; and
Thank you to Norman Rockwell for creating such a powerful image that has become an American icon for all generations.