Wired Magazine Agrees with The Marketing Consigliere (OK…. sort of…)

I confess to reading carbon-based media, holding it in my hand, and actually enjoying it. I also confess to hanging out with geeks, being nice to them, and actually listening to them (but I still will not say that I myself am a “geek”). Lastly, I confess to making huge leaps of faith on occasion when making certain statements regarding that in which what I so passionately believe.
And with these caveats I am happy to say that my few months’ worth of blogging has received high level validation of some sorts. OK, neither I nor The Marketing Consigliere Blog or my phrase “C4ISR Marketing” are specifically mentioned, but let me explain.
The October 2007 Wired issue features a supplement called Geekipedia – “149 People, Places, Ideas, and Trends You Need to Know now.” Two of the 149 entries in the Geekipedia are “Net-centric warfare” and “UAV” (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles). Disappointingly, “Analytics” was not cited as a standalone topic.
While the explanation of each topic focuses purely on the military use of technology, the fact that these are mentioned is significant. Wired says we need to know about them. The leap of faith I am asserting is that these two concepts will soon better understood and adopted by Marketers as part of the way they do business. Ok, the UAV part may take a bigger leap…
That is the main purpose of this blog – to embrace the military concepts of net-centricity and make them work for business in new ways. As I have written before, “Net-centric” is interchangeable with “C4ISR Marketing” and I encourage anyone to read my whitepaper on entitled “C4ISR Marketing & Business Transformation.”
So in denying that I am a geek, let me also humbly deny that I am a visionary – I do not imply to out-vision Wired magazine. To me the concept I advocate is not some lofty perfect world scenario in the far-off future that will cause a stunning metamorphosis in business, although it will indeed transform businesses. As The Marketing Consigliere, I am merely a pragmatist and see that this is coming. And many businesses that cannot keep up with the flow of data will fail or at best be second-tier in their domain. Will your business be ready for this evolution?