2010 B2B Twitterer of the Year Awards
Once again, it’s time for the B2B Twitterer of the Year Awards. Now in its third year, the Awards recognize B2B organizations for outstanding contributions in practicing, promoting, and/or enhancing business via the micro-blogging/social networking sensation Twitter.
The nomination deadline is Friday, December 17th.
This year should be bigger than ever, and Allinio is pleased to be working with MLT Creative, Make Good Media, HubSot, and NetProspex on making this year’s Awards a success. Additionally, we would like to recognize the following Steering Committee members and program Chairpersons and encourage you to follow them on Twitter:
Steering Committee
Ardath Albee @ardath421 Marketing Interactions, Inc. | |
Cheryl Burgess @ckburgess Blue Focus Marketing LLC | |
Laura Fitton @pistachio oneforty Inc. | |
Ann Handley @MarketingProfsMarketingProfs LLC | |
Megan Heuer @megheuerSiriusDecisions Inc. | |
Kent Huffman @KentHuffmanBearCom Wireless | |
Chuck Martin @chuckmartin1NFI Research | |
Billy Mitchell @billymitchell1MLT Creative | |
Jessie Paul @jessie_paulPaul Writer Strategic Advisory | |
Tom Pick @TomPickKC Associates | |
Joe Pulizzi @juntajoeJunta42 | |
Alex Romanovich @social2bSocial2B | |
Jeremy Victor @jeremyvictorMake Good Media | |
Joe Zuccaro @joezucAllinio |
Nominations Chairperson
Mark Palony@markpalonyRussell Herder |
Judging Chairperson
Andrew Spoeth@andrewspoethMarketo |
Sponsorship Chairperson
Nancy Jacobs@b2bnancyMLT Creative |
Founder & Chairperson
Joe Zuccaro@joezucAllinio |