Jumpstart Your Twitter Experience

Yesterday the Marketing Consigliere sent an email to someone he hopes to blog about in the near future, and he realized what he wrote about to this person would be good for many in his audience today.
Since Twitter adoption is gaining momentum, it makes sense to share some lessons to keep your microblogging learning curve shorter.
If you wish, you can go to the Twitter Fan Wiki and overwhelm yourself with its comprehensive list of apps, or simply cut to the chase and heed the Marketing Consigliere’s following advice.
To find out who is providing the most popular Marketing content, check out:
The Twitter Power 150 – A great list of leading Twitterers in the marketing space compiled by the A Source for Inspiration Blog; and
The B2B Twitterati – A solid list of B2B Marketing & Lead Generation Twitterers courtesy of the Ready Contacts Blog.
Other good apps for you to check out that work with Twitter:
Brightkite – Show people where you’re tweeting from – it’s plotted out on a map.
Does Follow – tells if a 3rd party follows another 3rd party.
Ping.fm – Simultaneously post to other social networking accounts you have.
Retweetrank – Check out how many times your “tweet” is being repeated by your followers and their followers.
Tweetstats – Analytics on your Twitter behavior.
Tweetdeck – like Twhirl, but can be a little overwhelming.
Twhirl – a great client to help organize your Twittering.
TwitterGrader – “grade” your Twitter presence relative to others in your geographic area – controversial in how it arrives at its rankings, but worth a try.
Twitter Search – track topics in the Twittersphere.
It can be time consuming but these tips should help. Take your time, you’re busy helping run a company, after all! Some people are definitely in “La-La Land” in the Twittersphere, but it can be a useful tool for businesses. There is indeed a place for it in the B2B world – Check out the Marketing Consigliere’s blog entry for 2008’s “B2B Twitterer of the Year”
Get tweeting and learn all the way!