Year in Review??

Year in Review??

2011 is still new enough that we should look back at 2010 and see what kind of lessons learned we should take into this new year.  The American Marketing Association‘s publication, Marketing News, came out with “The Year in Review,” which was mildly disappointing. “Four of the biggest stories” was woefully short of other considerable developments in the Marketing world.    Yes, the tragic earthquake devastating the […]

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Unica Helps Marketers Reach Out to iPad Users

Unica Helps Marketers Reach Out to iPad Users

This month Unica subsidy Pivotal Veracity announced that its award-winning MailboxIQ product email rendering imaging for the Apple iPad.  This capability allows Marketers to target and track email communications to iPad users. This is a tremendous boost to the utility of this marketing automation technology, which determines what device customers or prospects are using to view email, and then renders the communication in the device-specific format whether it be iPad, iPhone, Android, Blackberry or other “smart” […]

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The Wisdom of Marketing Operations Crowds

The Wisdom of Marketing Operations Crowds

James Surowiecki was onto something when he wrote [amazon ASIN=”0385721706″]The Wisdom of Crowds[/amazon]. But if large groups of people are “smarter than an elite few,” imagine what you could do with a large group of elites… The Marketing professional who grasps the concept of C4ISR Marketing is one of those elites, albeit an under-appreciated, under-budgeted, and under-empowered elite. What else should he or she do then but find […]

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