Happy Third “Blogiversary”

This is the third anniversary of this blog. Similar milestones were previously acknowledged in 2009 and 2008 with much joy and pasta, but this year is extra special. Although it is still referred to as “The Marketing Consigliere” Blog, and written in the third person narrative, it is undergoing change as it figures out what kind of Marketing blog it wants to be when it grows up.
Earlier this spring the blog moved from its own domain to be under the Allinio brand. The whole site migrated to WordPress 3.0 when it was still beta. Some plugins were trashed, others were added, like the WP Touch, which formats this site with a mobile theme for the Apple iPhone / iPod touch, Google Android, Palm Pre and other touch-based smartphones. Book reviews have been a little more frequent, and the “Cinque Domande” (Five Questions) for startup executives has struggled because it’s hard for both the interviewer and interviewee to find the time to conduct the interviews. RSS feeds have climbed, retweets of articles have risen, inbound likes have increased…and the blogging has always been fun, even if tedious. The Marketing Consigliere is pleased at all this yet humbled that people are beginning to realize that he hasn’t been drinking to much vino… The journey so far started with a blogpost written with both passion and frustration – passion for a rising mindset in which to conduct Marketing, notably B2B Marketing, and frustration because so many companies were no where near being enlightened.
Blogging takes a lot of energy and not while weeks have gone by without a new post, a month never has. But this year has been very special because of the changes in the blog and the rising awareness of Marketing Automation, metrics & measurement, and what The Marketing Consigliere has always called “Net-Centric Marketing” or “C4ISR Marketing.” He used this phrase to describe a new way of thinking for marketers, who need to quickly pass data to the appropriate stakeholders to ensure maximized revenue for the organization.
Over the course of the year, he has learned from many great professionals and is honored to be part of great social media, B2B, and Marketing Automation circles and their ongoing conversations. So now in his fourth year of blogging, The Marketing Conisigliere looks forward to continuing to help organizations make the transformational journey to be better online marketers…