Intense Text Analytics with Attensity

Intense Text Analytics with Attensity

While the Marketing Consilgiere was at TWTRCON last month, he paid visits to the booths of various event sponsors. One booth that really captured his attention was that of Attensity, who provides a text analytics platform that quickly and rapidly transforms unstructured data- such as in the gazillions of tweets that fly through the Twittersphere- into valuable, actionable information with unparalleled accuracy. If you go to their website […]

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Recession & NON-Recession CRM Strategies

Recession & NON-Recession CRM Strategies

In the past, the Marketing Consigliere has made it known he’s a big fan of BtoB Magazine.  And he always takes the time to read emails that he has opted into from that impressive trade publication. This morning he received an email from them that he found rather amusing.  The subject line stated “Recession Survival Strategies – Invest in CRM Now“  This was an announcement for a […]

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Oh, Behave!

Oh, Behave!

So much flap has been in the press regarding behavioral targeting and privacy.  Most of the flap has been on the B2C side of things – which is to be expected when you are dealing with naive, impulsive consumers.  Advertising is painted as the boogeyman in this situation and vast data mining conspiracies are hinted at by those that purportedly champion individuals and freedom. Should […]

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The 20-Year Road to Net-Centric Marketing, Part II

The 20-Year Road to Net-Centric Marketing, Part II

The 20-Year Road to Net-Centric Marketing brought amusement to many readers who remember the “gold rush” of the “dot-com” era.  And the Marketing Consigliere wants to make one more observation about those seemingly long ago days. In the early nineties there was an exciting book that created much buzz in the Marketing profession:  [amazon ASIN=”0385485662″]The One to One Future: Building Relationships One Customer At A Time[/amazon] by Don Peppers and Martha Rogers, […]

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The 20-Year Road to Net-Centric Marketing

The 20-Year Road to Net-Centric Marketing

The Marketing Consigliere would like to take the opportunity at the dawn of 2009 to go down memory lane.  While much fuss is heard about Silicon Valley, the real center of the Internet universe was and still is the Washington DC area. About 20 years ago, the academic and Federal government curiousity called the “Internet” found its way into the commercial sector.  Among the Internet […]

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10 Allinio Predictions for 2009

10 Allinio Predictions for 2009

Prediction 1: Robert Scoble will become marginalized as a new “Twitterer to follow” emerges that is less condescending and opinionated. The Marketing Consigliere actually likes Scoble, has met him twice, but understands that like all “celebrities,” a new one will probably come along that the huddled marketing masses will want to anoint as their new savior.  He will never be relegated as the “Lindsay Lohan” of […]

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B2B Twitterer of the Year

B2B Twitterer of the Year

The Marketing Consigliere saw that there was too much ado about Robert Scoble asking people to suggest a “Twitterer of the Year,” and came up with his own idea.  He Googled “B2B Twitterer of the Year” and nothing came up, so he felt obliged to take the initiative to honor a business-to-business company that had shown leadership in use of Twitter. Many so-called “leaders” of the […]

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Hatching Success with Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Hatching Success with Microsoft Dynamics CRM

The first Microsoft Dynamics CRM Incubation Week is being held from December 15th to 19th, 2008 at the Microsoft Technology Center in Reston, Virginia. This week-long program will include some training and several days of prototyping and development, and a presentation competition for prizes.  This event is free to enter but if selected, travel, lodging, meals, etc. are out-of-pocket for entrants.  Each team will be allowed up to three team members. Companies […]

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Thanksgiving ’08: Freedom from Want and Needs

Thanksgiving ’08: Freedom from Want and Needs

Norman Rockwell, Freedom From Want Just a short note today – the Marketing Consigliere does not need to remind you to be thankful for the usual blessings in your life, but wants to make some out-of-the-ordinary thank yous: Thank you to all the Marketers out there who are leveraging the power of Network Centric Marketing and doing their best to bring us the products and services […]

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Be Respective to CollectiveX

Be Respective to CollectiveX

The Marketing Consigliere was at a Social Matchbox event in downtown Washington, DC the other evening and happened to “re-meet” Clarence Wooten, CEO of CollectiveX, a very interesting company based in Columbia, Maryland, that provides groups with a social collaboration and networking platform. While at first glance it may appear to be for volunteer, non-profit groups, and consumer-oriented organizations, this application can be used as a collaborative tool for […]

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