SugarCon Shows How Sweet CRM Can Be, Day 2

SugarCon Shows How Sweet CRM Can Be, Day 2

Gumdrops by terren in Virginia   No surprise, the second day of SugarCon was as satisfying as the first. Keynote 1 Brian Halligan, CEO of HubSpot started the day with the story of how he realized “inbound marketing” was the proper way to match your marketing efforts with a customer’s buying habits.  One of the most interesting things he shared was the list of the most popular keywords used that are linked […]

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10+ Years Later, Clue Unglues

10+ Years Later, Clue Unglues

[amazon ASIN=”0465018653″]The Cluetrain Manifesto 10th Anniversary Edition[/amazon] was written by Rick Levine (@ricklevine),  Christopher Locke (@clockerb), Doc Searls (@dsearls), David Weinberger. For those of you who never read it, let’s cut to the chase… Blame it on us for actually waiting a year after this anniversary edition was released.  Also scold us for not reading the [amazon ASIN=”0738204315″]original [/amazon]eleven years ago.  But the newer edition is a disappointment. Not because the original 95 Theses have […]

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