10+ Years Later, Clue Unglues

10+ Years Later, Clue Unglues

[amazon ASIN=”0465018653″]The Cluetrain Manifesto 10th Anniversary Edition[/amazon] was written by Rick Levine (@ricklevine),  Christopher Locke (@clockerb), Doc Searls (@dsearls), David Weinberger. For those of you who never read it, let’s cut to the chase… Blame it on us for actually waiting a year after this anniversary edition was released.  Also scold us for not reading the [amazon ASIN=”0738204315″]original [/amazon]eleven years ago.  But the newer edition is a disappointment. Not because the original 95 Theses have […]

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You Don’t Have to Be a Genius to Know Marketing Automation

You Don’t Have to Be a Genius to Know Marketing Automation

Here’s what The Marketing Consigliere thinks about The Essential Marketing Automation Handbook which was written by Ardath Albee (@ardath421) in conjunction with Marketing Automation platform vendor Genius.com… The other week [amazon ASIN=”0615361811″]Think Outside the Inbox[/amazon], [amazon ASIN=”0615361811″]a book you can purchase[/amazon], was reviewed and this next review, a free ebook downloadable here is very timely. Basically, The Marketing Consigliere recommends that you read both books, starting with Think Outside the Inbox, followed by The Essential Marketing Automation Handbook. […]

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Pardot Execs Help You “Think Outside the Inbox”

Pardot Execs Help You “Think Outside the Inbox”

Disclosure: A copy of this book was provided at no charge by the authors [amazon ASIN=”0615361811″]Think Outside the Inbox [/amazon]was written by David Cummings (@david_cummings) and Adam Blitzer (@AdamBlitzer), both of Marketing Automation platform vendor Pardot. In seven easy to read and understand chapters, this book is a very satisfactory primer on what Marketing Automation is all about and The Marketing Consigliere recommends that you get a copy.  There are […]

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Jim Sterne’s Social Media Metrics

Jim Sterne’s Social Media Metrics

Jim Sterne (@jimsterne) is an A-List, top notch, impeccable luminary in the metrics arena.  He currently chairs the Web Analytics Association, and is the driver of the eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit, which the Marketing Consigliere has been enjoying for years when it generously comes to the Washington DC Area.  So The Marketing Consigliere took great interest when he found out the Jim has come out with another book. His latest […]

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A Military Perspective of Marketing Automation

A Military Perspective of Marketing Automation

AFCEA   The Marketing Consigliere knows many great B2B professionals in the Marketing Automation space.  Many of them are great evangelists spreading the word of the promise of the growing number of tools out there that help firms drive revenue by aligning Sales and Marketing.  However, he feels that there has not been a sufficient model that sets the stage for the transformation necessary to […]

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They Tell You What She’s Not Telling You

They Tell You What She’s Not Telling You

Marketing to specific demographic segments presents very interesting challenges.   Marketing to women is something of which The Marketing Consigliere admits he knows little; it’s hard enough as a male to figure out women sometimes in any situation, let alone a marketing one.  So since The Marketing Consigliere can be a rascal sometimes, he will say something “politically incorrect” and then get on with business: If […]

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Holiday Carol: O Little Town of Twitterville

Holiday Carol: O Little Town of Twitterville

Sung to the tune of the carol “O Little Town of Bethlehem.”  O little town of Twitterville, Thy Tweeps are far and wide, And with their sweet and endless tweets, The hashtags all go by. Yet though the Fail Whale cometh, When they want news the most, Thy conversations keep them warm, And happy coast to coast. When at their work or in their homes, Short text they […]

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Digital Body Language – Read It and Read It!

Digital Body Language – Read It and Read It!

While attending the Online Marketing Summit in Washington, DC, the audience had the privilege to listen to the lunchtime keynote by Steve Woods, CTO of Eloqua, a leading marketing automation platform provider.  He was handing out copies of his recently published book, [amazon ASIN=”0979988551″]Digital Body Language[/amazon], to people who asked questions at the end of his speech. Fortunately, the Marketing Consigliere asked one of the questions and was pleased to obtain […]

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The 20-Year Road to Net-Centric Marketing, Part II

The 20-Year Road to Net-Centric Marketing, Part II

The 20-Year Road to Net-Centric Marketing brought amusement to many readers who remember the “gold rush” of the “dot-com” era.  And the Marketing Consigliere wants to make one more observation about those seemingly long ago days. In the early nineties there was an exciting book that created much buzz in the Marketing profession:  [amazon ASIN=”0385485662″]The One to One Future: Building Relationships One Customer At A Time[/amazon] by Don Peppers and Martha Rogers, […]

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Media Rules!

Media Rules!

The Marketing Consigliere recently attended a luncheon hosted by the DC Ad Club.  The two speakers, Brian Reich and Dan Solomon, were presenting their new book, [amazon ASIN=”B001BMMGJO”]Media Rules! – Mastering Today’s Technology to Connect With and Keep Your Audience[/amazon]. He bought the book, had the authors autograph inside the cover, and proceeded to read it. Here are his thoughts: The byline “Mastering Today’s Technology…” raised his hopes but it […]

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