Squidoo Lenses for B2B Marketers?

Squidoo Lenses for B2B Marketers?

I’ve set up a “lens” called  “C4ISR  Marketing – aka Network Centric Marketing” on Squidoo and am trying to teach myself about whether it provides utility for B2B marketers. My “lens” (this is what you call your site there) is not a high ranking site in the Squidoo world by any means, but I guess it’s better than a lot of others. For now I’ll tinker with it […]

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Every Point-of-Purchase is a Window of Opportunity

Every Point-of-Purchase is a Window of Opportunity

Nowadays with advertising proliferating everywhere, there are ads on checkout line conveyor belts, large ad stickers on flooring, and mini-ads on shopping carts, on gas pumps, to mention a few. I recently picked up a copy of P-O-P Times, a publication of the In-Store Marketing Institute. Most of the editorial covers point-of-purchase products that retailers can use on their shelves or in the aisles. Nice, creative, […]

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The Fog of Piracy War

The Fog of Piracy War

What is a C4ISR technology that the military uses when trying to see through night, fog, and other types of inclement weather? Night-vision goggles. Night-vision is facilitated with the integration of two technologies – Enhanced spectral range technology enables the observer to see light outside the human range of electromagnetic spectrum (visible light), including infrared. Enhanced intensity range technology increases the ability to see within low-light environments. What is a C4ISR technology that […]

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The Wisdom of Marketing Operations Crowds

The Wisdom of Marketing Operations Crowds

James Surowiecki was onto something when he wrote [amazon ASIN=”0385721706″]The Wisdom of Crowds[/amazon]. But if large groups of people are “smarter than an elite few,” imagine what you could do with a large group of elites… The Marketing professional who grasps the concept of C4ISR Marketing is one of those elites, albeit an under-appreciated, under-budgeted, and under-empowered elite. What else should he or she do then but find […]

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In my earlier blog, “SMBs & C4ISR Marketing,” I spoke about how small and medium size business can leverage the power of satellite imagery and apply it to their business. There’s a different and maybe even better way to be a C4ISR Marketer and its origins are in my backyard in the Washington DC area… GeoCommons allows users to “Explore, Create & Share Intelligent Maps and Geographic Data.” […]

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It’s a C4ISR, C4ISR, C4ISR, C4ISR World

It’s a C4ISR, C4ISR, C4ISR, C4ISR World

Louise Story’s August 6th article in The New York Times, “It’s an Ad, Ad, Ad, Ad World, started my week off with a bang. Publicis Groupe, a leading multinational agency, will be farming out the creation of “thousands of versions of ads.” Not through an electronic sweatshop, but still an outsourced set of firms that will produce a rather high throughput of variation upon variation of […]

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SMBs and C4ISR Marketing

SMBs and C4ISR Marketing

The EMM and MRM vendors out there, who are a part of what is C4ISR Marketing, have been doing some great things and I will be blogging about several of them in the future. However, the perception is that the price points of their products are high due to the fact that they are time consuming, somewhat painful integrations that only the big boys can play with. […]

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