Digital Body Language – Read It and Read It!

Digital Body Language – Read It and Read It!

While attending the Online Marketing Summit in Washington, DC, the audience had the privilege to listen to the lunchtime keynote by Steve Woods, CTO of Eloqua, a leading marketing automation platform provider.  He was handing out copies of his recently published book, [amazon ASIN=”0979988551″]Digital Body Language[/amazon], to people who asked questions at the end of his speech. Fortunately, the Marketing Consigliere asked one of the questions and was pleased to obtain […]

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OMS Whistle Stop Tour – Don’t Miss the Train!

OMS Whistle Stop Tour – Don’t Miss the Train!

The Online Marketing Summit is back and bigger than ever.  This year, they’re calling it the “Whistle Stop Tour” because the producers of the OMS actually are traveling city to city by train. Make sure you climb aboard!

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Online Marketing Summit – Washington DC

Online Marketing Summit – Washington DC

The Online Marketing Summit has been making its nationwide tour and so far the verdict has been: Excellent. I had the privilege of sitting on one of the panels and addressing the audience of 120+ professionals eager to know about trends and challenges in the new Web 2.0 world. There’s a lot on social networking, search engine marketing, user generated content, virtual worlds, and web analytics from […]

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