Get Good Marketing Automation Resources, Not Gurus
Aum Chow by AZRainman
There are no Marketing Automation “Gurus.”
There are no Marketing Automation “Chief Awesome Officers.”
There are no Marketing Automation “Ninjas”
Just because Marketing Automation is coming of age in parallel with social media, do not think that practitioners of Marketing Automation are of the same stripe as social media “strategists,” “acrobats,” or the above titles.
(And yes, while Allinio’s President and Founder, Joe Zuccaro uses a title of Marketing “Consigliere,” it’s a self-deprecating schtick due to his Italian American heritage, and he humbly admits it’s merely an advisory role to real Marketing decision makers – you.)
With Marketing Automation gaining steam in serious organizations, it is important to note that there are number of seasoned Marketing Automation professionals and other resources that can enable you to learn more about this important, transformative opportunity for your company. Here are some you should consider to start your Marketing Automation conversation:
Groups On LinkedIn:
Sales Lead Management Association
Online Lead Generation Community
Marketing Automation Experts (OK, “Expert” is a title that won’t make us choke, but it has to be earned!)
Inbound Marketers – For Marketing Professionals
Marketing Automation Software Guide
You may find an occasional person shilling their goods and services a bit on some of these sites, but overall there are good questions and great responses from some of the leaders in Marketing Automation.