5 Lessons in Marketing’s Brave New World

5 Lessons in Marketing’s Brave New World

This past week The Marketing Consigliere was fortunate enough to attend a very interesting event.  Eloqua had assembled some of the brightest Marketing practitioners in the Washington DC area for their “A Brave New World” road show, which is also appearing in New York, Chicago, Boston, Austin, Fort Lauderdale, Denver, Minneapolis, Atlanta, and Southern California.  The name of the event was appropriate. Joe Payne, CEO of Eloqua, […]

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Snap! B2B iPhone Apps! – Part I

Snap! B2B iPhone Apps! – Part I

With more companies computing in “the cloud,” and more people going mobile, it will be important to stay connected to the constant marketing data streams that help make timely, critical decisions.  Apple‘s popular iPhone, which was once thought of as a shiny object with frivolous bells and whistles, is becoming a potential powerful tool for the B2B Marketing professional. Some leading marketing automation service providers have created applications […]

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Holiday Carol: Eloqua Fideles

Holiday Carol: Eloqua Fideles

Sung to the tune of the carol “Adeste Fideles” (O Come, All Ye Faithful).  Eloqua Fideles potens efficax, Ventum, ventum ut vestrum website. Factus vidéte, Regem Venalicium! Veníte nurtureus, Veníte nurtureus Veníte nurtureus Prospicio! Cantet nunc io chorus vendelorum cantet nunc aula gubernatorium: Gloria in excelsis venditio! Veníte nurtureus, Veníte nurtureus Veníte nurtureus Prospicio! The Marketing Consigliere requests that Latin teachers refrain from putting a […]

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Digital Body Language – Read It and Read It!

Digital Body Language – Read It and Read It!

While attending the Online Marketing Summit in Washington, DC, the audience had the privilege to listen to the lunchtime keynote by Steve Woods, CTO of Eloqua, a leading marketing automation platform provider.  He was handing out copies of his recently published book, [amazon ASIN=”0979988551″]Digital Body Language[/amazon], to people who asked questions at the end of his speech. Fortunately, the Marketing Consigliere asked one of the questions and was pleased to obtain […]

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SearchCRM.com Products of the Year

SearchCRM.com Products of the Year

SearchCRM.com has named its Products of the Year for 2008.  This is the fifth year that SearchCRM.com has been helping sort out the playing field for Marketing and Sales executives who need to understand the pros and cons of various platforms out there which help their enterprise become more net-centric. Using Marketer-friendly criteria of  Innovation, Performance, Ease of Integration, Ease of Use, Functionality, and Value, along with a marketing technology “dream team” (sans […]

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While Leads were Converting Last Week

While Leads were Converting Last Week

When an auditor assesses the internal controls of a service organization, they use SAS 70 standards as criteria.  Audits are important to client companies that use outsourcing services which impact their control of processes and data.  The type of report issued, a Type I report, states the auditor’s opinion on the accuracy of Eloqua’s description of   controls that are operating within their applications and the fitness of […]

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4-Point Strategy: How Not to Get “Whacked”

4-Point Strategy: How Not to Get “Whacked”

You’re FIRED! The scary thing about these two words is that most Marketing leaders reading this blog know another Exec who has recently been fired (as the Marketing Consigliere likes to say, “got whacked.”) or is worrying about getting whacked themselves.  We all know the stat – the average CMO tenure is less than two years, perhaps give or take a few months.  And for companies too small […]

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The Play’s The Same, But the Actors Change With Every Scene

The Play’s The Same, But the Actors Change With Every Scene

The Marketing Consigliere reads a lot of trade rags. He scours them to for articles or ideas to bring to The Marketing Consigliere Blog. Sometimes, believe it or not, there’s nothing he thinks meets the newsworthy standards of this blog. Sometimes he gets Blogger’s Block. Sometimes the day job gets in the way, or he spends too much time exploring Second Life for ideas and get sidetracked… And […]

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